Analogue Photography with a shoe box

It's been a while since I updated my blog, so today I have searched all my stuff and today I am going to upload as much stuff as I can to keep you guys up to date on my progress within the AKI. So for Photography we had to make photos in the old fashioned way, analogue. But not with just a analogue camera, but with an improvised shoe box which functioned as a dark room with a small hole as big as a needle, and on the other side inside the box we had to place light sensitive photography paper. This was time consuming but fun way to create some cool/oldskool looking pictures. As you needed to change the paper every time you wanted to make a new picture inside a darkroom. When you're done with taking a picture you had to develop it using different kinds of chemical mixtures in order for the picture to show on the paper. We had 5 subjects to capture on paper: - Self portrait - The meeting - The change (Something you did what changed the scene) - Far away & Close-up ...