Game of Tool Concept

For the game of tool I am going to create a cardgame for the age of 16+ where most people who play it will be ranging from 16 to 26 years old.

The problem
Most card games for these audiences are really complicated. These games can also take up a really long time to play, up to 3 hours for a regular Yu-Gi-Oh game.

With my new game I want to create a fast paced card game which can be played in 10 to 15 minutes.

Dark NeoTokio like setting here in Holland from 20 to 30 years from now.

Combination of photography and matte painting.

The monsters on the cards will be based on the robots that exist today but then reimagined how they would look like in the future.

The game exists of 5 monster types:

1. Drones
2. Humanoids
3. Spider
4. Walking Dogrobots
5. Tanks



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